Custom Stickers, Die Cut Stickers, Bumper Stickers - Sticker Mule

Discover Maestro


We use marketing automation with our site to help you to succeed.

We are more than a website. We offer many services that can help you to succeed. As a member of our site, you get a marketing agency to advise you. People pay big money for that. You get it for FREE!


Single Listing Pricing Plans
Featured One-Year Listing $99.00
We had over 13 million views in 2024!  SEE STATS
A featured one-year listing for $99 per year includes up to 10 photos, a link to your website, 1 video clip, coupons, and featured placement. ***. 
You can update your listing 24/7. 
Featured Listings show up above all the basic listings. 
We rotate your listing on our social media pages.
$99 per year.***   Your rate never goes up. 
GUARANTEE - If you are unsatisfied within 30 days, we will refund you.  We are part of the Fort Myers and Lee County community.  We prefer friendly relations. 
Additional Options available at no cost - contact us for details:
  • Articles about your business
  • Add your events
  • Marketing review
One-Year Basic Single Listing $19.99
A basic one-year listing for $19.99 includes three photos and a link to your website.  
This does not include the video section. 
You can update your listing 24/7.  
The SEO value alone is well worth the $19.99 for an entire year as your listing will appear on search engines.
If you are unfamiliar with local SEO and how it helps your business significantly, please visit  
Basic Listing is not rotated on our home screen nor is rotated on our social media.  
The video section may be used by for non-competing promotional purposes. 
Coupon section may be used for for non-competing promotional purposes.